MICIMATT Video Credits
This is a breakdown of sources used in my MICIMATT video:
MICIMATT Cover: Base Image (flickr) CC Attribution.
MICIMATT Cover: (my modifications)
Backing Music Track:
Bobby "Boris" Pickett - Monster Mash (Karaoke Version), by Sing King
Dwight D. (“Ike”) Eisenhower: Farewell Address:
President Dwight Eisenhower coined the term “The Military Industrial Complex” (MIC)1 in his Farewell address of 1961.
In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.
We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.
Video | highlight clip | background
Eisenhower Quote: AZ Quotes
White House at Night in Washington, D.C. 2012 (Wikipedia)
Joe Rogan and Jack Carr. discuss the Military Industrial Complex
“The Military Industrial Complex that President Eisenhower Warned Us About,” #1986, May 16, 2023 ( Joe Rogan Experience)
(YouTube | Spotify Full: Starting: 52:25 )
“This comic is over 80 years old and yet you don’t have to change a thing about it. It’s ever bit as relevant today as the day it was drawn.” (Reddit)
United States Map With Capitals, and State Names
Nine LaMaitre , Douaumont OSSUARY. (Verdun, France) CC BY-ND 2.0 DEED
Monster Mash (Wikipedia)

Lovecraftian Monster, NikotTroou, created using AI tools, Deviant Art
Boby “Boris” Picket - Monster Mash (Karaoke Version)

Transparent Thought Bubble, Clip Art Library
Bernie Sander found the F-35’s cost overruns “incedibly wasteful” but wanted to base them in Vermont (Task & Purpose)

Free Press. *except war crimes and corruption
(International Federation of Journalists)
Video cited by NPR article: Clapper Apologizes For Answer On NSA's Data Collection
Feinstein Is Right. The CIA’s Out of Control, by Tim Weiner
.. Feinstein has been case-officered once too often. One item in her speech explains why she broke her watchdog’s chain. She said the CIA’s acting general counsel, who oversaw aspects of the secret prisons program (and is mentioned in the report 1,600 times), has filed a crimes report with the Justice Department, accusing the committee’s staff of purloining the CIA’s files. Those files were open to the Senate staff under an elaborate agreement. Going after the committee arguably was an act of political cupidity or criminal stupidity. It certainly reflects the parting advice of Porter Goss, Bush’s second CIA director, when he stepped down in 2005: “Admit nothing, deny everything and make counter-accusations.”
The senator thinks she has been subjected to a continuous and contemptuous blockade. This puts the agency on dangerous terrain. Either the stonewalling continues or the CIA’s leaders, past and present, must be called to testify under oath, in public, and explain the executive summary of the report.
.. if you’ve been following the few-and-far-between hearings of the committee since 2009. Intelligence on counterterrorism has been doctored to deceive. The report says torture provided little or no useful intelligence. Our intellocrats insist it did. If so, should we keep the implements of inhumanity in the toolbox of intelligence?
David Sanger of the New York Times, CNN Interview: It’s hard to imagine others with a significant motive.
Jack Keene of Fox News: We have to conclude (without the evidence) that it’s most likely .. Russia is the likely cause of it.
Many former military and public officials appearing in the news have more than a patriotic interest in a continued occupation. (The Intercept)
Former CIA Director John Brennan: Russia is the most likely suspect.
Money (Wikipedia)
Johns Hopkins was one of the top recipients of funding of military dollars in 2011.
Graduation Caps, Joshua Hoehne, @mrthetrain (Unsplash)
The Atlantic Council (Wikipedia)
The Brookings Institute (Wikipedia)

The Quincy Institute: Defense Contractor Funded Think Tanks Dominate Ukraine Debate
Image taken from Bobby Pickett’s performance of the Original “Monster Mash” with Dick Clark.
60 Minutes Interview with Joe Biden
Q: Are the wars in Israel and Ukraine more than the United States can take on at the same time?
Biden’s Answer:
We're the United States of America for God's sake the most powerful nation in the history not in the world in the history of the world the history of the world we can take care of both of these and still maintain our overall International defense.
Total Control - “Full Spectrum Dominance” using destabilizing “Color Revolutions”
Earth from space (pxhere.com)
Engdahl argues that the United States is pursuing a strategy to prevent a cohesion of Asian power centers from becoming independent of the American system, using pseudo revolutions and “Divide and Conquer” tactics.
American Exceptionalism Color by Pat Bagley, The Salt Lake Tribune, UT
Image # 87050, 12/16/2010. (Used in with paid License)
President George W Bush aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln
60 Minutes Interview with Joe Biden | Transcript
Q: Are the wars in Israel and Ukraine more than the United States can take on at the same time?
Biden’s Answer:
We're the United States of America for God's sake the most powerful nation in the history not in the world in the history of the world the history of the world we can take care of both of these and still maintain our overall International defense.
Stock Gunpoint Graphics.ai Vector Icon
Why Liberal Hegemony? by James Carden, The Nation
And for nearly 30 years, US foreign policy has been oriented around the idea, known as liberal hegemony, that it is in America’s interest to turn as many countries as possible into liberal democracies, and to spread, in the words of Max Boot, “the rule of law, property rights and other guarantees, at gunpoint if need be.” (The Nation)