Phony Tony Baloney
Canadian poet Dennis Lee provided a possible nickname for Secretary of State Antony Blinken's lies about US accomplishments in Ukraine
New Nickname: Tony Blinken
Listening to Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate today Secretary of State Antony Blinken reminded me of a poem I heard as a child by Canadian children's author Dennis Lee. (published 1974)
Tony Baloney is fibbing again --
Look at him wiggle and try to pretend
Tony Baloney is telling a lie.
Phony old Tony Baloney, goodbye!
Tony Baloney in “Alligator Pie,” by Dennis Lee

“Phony Tony Baloney” lies and misleads about Ukraine
Secretary of State Antony Blinken:
But even as we’ve accomplished all of this and even as Russia has suffered what I believe to be a strategic debacle in Ukraine – it’s weaker militarily, it’s weaker economically, it’s weaker diplomatically, Ukraine is more united than ever before, Europe has taken itself off of the dependence on Russian energy, and our NATO Alliance is both stronger and now bigger by two members
Kurt Campbell exposes “Phony Tony Baloney”
Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell (replaced Victoria Nuland):
.. as the conflict in Ukraine um I think we have um assessed over the course of the last couple of months that Russia has almost completely reconstituted militarily and after the initial setbacks on the battlefield delivered to them by um a brave and Hearty uh group in Ukraine um with the support of China uh in particular um dual use capabilities of variety of other efforts Industrial and Commercial Russia has retooled uh and now poses a threat um uh to Ukraine as we are struggling to get the supplemental uh but not just to Ukraine it's its uh uh new found capabilities uh pose a longer term challenge to to stability in Europe and and you know threatens NATO allies um those Stakes are clear in Europe but they are also clear in the Indo Pacific and in what we've experienced over the course of the last couple years Richard is unprecedented support from countries in um the Indo Pacific Japan South Korea