Propaganda Twists "Uncontroversial" Slogans
Propaganda often Twists "Uncontroversial" Statements to justify the "UnJustifiable."
Latrell Sprewell: I’ve got to feed my family (1 min video)
How Propaganda uses “Uncontroversial” Slogans
Paul, a US Army War Veteran talks about how the Iraq War was propagandized and how Israel’s Propaganda needs to silence those who call out war crimes (violations of the Geneva Convention), because they have no substantial counter argument.
Start at the beginning of the video.
Paul says that the US conflated opposition to the Iraq War with support for the 911 terrorists as a way to deter criticism. In this current “war” the government propaganda:
Conflates Israel actions with the right of self defense, and
If you disagree you are Anti-Semitic